Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Benefits of a Single Color Scheme

     With any Lolita style, sticking to a single color for your clothes could have a lot of benefits.  I may not have a lot of outfits, but I like to buy clothes in pink and white.  Here are a few reasons why:

1. It is easier to Mix and Match Clothes
     Depending on how many pieces of clothing you have, it might be difficult to have a different outfit for everyday of the week.  If you were to purchase most of your clothes in one color, all of your pieces could work together.  It would be good if you had a dress or two, a few blouses, a jumper skirt, and maybe a few skirts.  This way you could coordinate outfits by mixing these items.  Accessories could be bought in similar color schemes, too to allow them to work with all of your clothes.

2.  Your Accessories Will Match
     Leading off from the other point, all of your various accessories and socks and such will work with any of your clothing choices.  If you're like me, you probably have a favorite pair of knee socks or ring, and I
love to wear it with every outfit I can, so having them in an easy to match color would be very helpful.

3. You'll save Money
     Buying separate accessories or a different blouse for each outfit can add up pretty quickly money wise.  Honestly, Lolita is not one of the cheapest styles, so continuously buying pieces to match all of the different colors you own could easily become a very costly shopping bill.  If all of your clothes are the same few colors or color, you can reuse bracelets, socks, blouses, and bows.  All of these will work and you won't have to keep buying new accessories to get the perfect look.  Everything you need will already be available in your closet! 

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

How to Convince Your Parents to Let You Wear Lolita

I thought that I should post this now, considering I just recently was allowed to dress this way.
I'm going to be honest, If your parents don't necessarily like the idea of you dressing this way, it might be slightly difficult to convince them.  I didn't have too hard of a time, but that might be because I've been wearing Cosplay for four years, so my parents are a little used to the outfits that stand out. 
      My Dad was easy to convince, he actually liked the idea of me dressing in longer dresses and modest clothing, probably because he's my dad.  My Mom on the other hand was not so easy to convince.  She didn't know what it was and was embarrassed just by the thought of taking me out in public looking like that, so if you have a problem similar to this, keep reading!

     A trick that I used was to consistently hint at dresses that I found cute online.  I would pull up a Lolita dress on Bodyline and say, "Isn't this cute?  It's not really expensive, either."  I do this sort of thing all the time when I shop online, so my family was used to it.  A word of warning: Do not start by showing them expensive dresses!  I cannot stress this enough.  You don't want their first impression to be that it's all expensive!

     After you've shown them a few dresses online, THEN begin to tell them what Lolita is.  They'll already be a little familiar with the clothes and it won't sound so extreme.  Explain it in a simple way, such as "A Japanese fashion that focuses on modesty and being feminine."  

     If your Mother is like mine, she'll say that no one else where we live dresses like this.  I will admit, I have never seen another Lolita just out and about, but that wasn't my goal when I started dressing this way.  Lolita is a form of self-expression through your clothes, not to fit into a certain crowd.  

     Also, make sure to ask your friends and siblings what they think, too.  Don't take it personally if your friends don't feel comfortable being in public with you dressed like that for a while.  Because, not only will the attention be on you, but them, too.  Thankfully, I have a wonderful best friend who said she actually really likes it and would even consider dressing this way, too.  My younger sister still refuses to go out in public with me, but she'll probably warm up with time.

     I hope that these methods will help in convincing your family and friends.  They worked fairly well for me, but it took some time.  Just make sure you reassure your family that you will not be dressing like this all the time, and that you can pay for your dresses. (Unless you're lucky enough to have someone who will buy them for you.)  Hopefully your family will see how much this means to you, and will support you along the way~


Monday, June 24, 2013

Different Types of Lolita~

Decora Lolita
Decora Lolita, also known as Deco Lolita, commonly uses bright and bold colors. The base of this style comes from Sweet Lolita. They tend to layer their clothes and use tons of accessories.  Sometimes they also use cute wigs, fake eyelashes, and circle lenses.  Rhinestones and stickers also might be applied to the face and most of the items are decorated with pearls and ribbons.  

Sweet Lolita
Sweet Lolita focuses on a more child-like appearance.  It uses frills, lace, and colorful prints to achieve this.  The most common colors to see are pastel pinks, blues, and purples, but other colors can be used.  Lots of bows are incorporated into the hair, on the dress, or even on the shoes.  Wigs are also used, but are mainly natural colors or pastel colors.

Classic Lolita
Classic Lolita is an elegant style and takes inspiration through many different eras in history, such as Renaissance, Elizabethan, and Victorian.  To show the maturity of the style, the common colors are brown, dusty pink, ivory, navy, and black; Mainly neutral colors.  The clothing features less frills and lace and the skirts often have corset lacing.  And on these skirts, the prints are commonly floral patterns, but sometimes they have old toys or fruits.

Punk Lolita
This style is heavily influenced by the Western punk style.  Punk Lolita is slightly more casual than other styles, but still has a cute and edgy feel.  The most common colors are black, red, white, and purple.  The outfits consist of a mix of lolita and punk elements.  Diamonds, polka dots, tartan, plaid, and checkerboard are some of the common patterns and normally have more frills than lace.  The accessories are the common punk ones; chains, studded belts, safety pins, and rivets.

Princess Lolita
The goal of this style is to capture the elegance of royalty.  Crowns, gloves, pearls, and high-heels are worn to get this look.  It is influenced by Princess Gyaru Fashion.  A difference is that it's common to wear no blouse or one with long, flared sleeves.  Popular accessories are tiaras, lace tights, pearl chokers, and princess wands.

Country Lolita
This style is much simpler than other lolita styles, but it's just as cute, mixing sweet and classic lolita.  Most Country Lolita outfits have straw hats and a basket purse.  Common prints would be gingham, fruits, and small flowers.  Some common colors would be yellow and red.  This style is difficult to pull off, but ends up being very cute.  A good tip would be to keep your accessories, hair, and makeup simple.

Wa Lolita
Wa Lolita incorporates classic Japanese elements into the lolita silhouette.  Petticoats are a big  part of this style.  Most of the time they are worn underneath a stylized Kimono.  The other way to wear this style is to have a lolita dress made out of traditional Japanese fabric.

Qi Lolita
This style is similar to the Wa Lolita style, but is influenced by traditional Chinese elements instead of Japanese.  Traditional Chinese hair pieces are worn instead of the classic bows.  This isn't a common style and is worn more for special occasions.  

Shiro Lolita
Just as the name suggests, this is a Lolita outfit done all in white.  The hair doesn't have to be white, and sometimes a different colored accessory is added in for impact.  These outfits normally qualify in the Sweet Lolita style.

Kuro Lolita
This is the exact opposite of Shiro Lolita.  The outfits in this style are done in all black.  Just like Shiro Lolita, the hair doesn't have to be black and sometimes a colored accessory is used to make an impact.  These outfits normally fit into the Sweet Lolita category.

Sailor Lolita
Sailor Lolita incorporates a sailor suit, but gives it a cute twist.  The most common colors are navy, white, and black and the outfits rarely have patterns, but sometimes have stripes along the bottom.  Most of the accessories include items related to anchors.

Pirate Lolita
The sub-styles that this style fits in varies with the outfits, but normally they are a mix of a few.  These outfits focus around pirates and use accessories such as eye patches, tricorns, and swords.  This style is also worn mostly for special occasions. 

Ero Lolita
Ero Lolita is a hard style to pull off and is often misunderstood.  It is considered revealing, but not too revealing.  It still follows the Lolita silhouette, but the skirts are shorter and garters are used.  This is a mature, gothic style, so it uses darker colors normally.  The dresses are normally shorter, the blouses, if any, are lower, and the arms are often bare.

Guro Lolita
Guro is an abbreviation for grotesque, so as you can imagine, there is quite a bit of blood involved, or at least a lot of bandages.  This look tries to incorporate the look of a broken or injured doll from a horror movie.  Most of the dresses are white, which probably makes it easier to see the fake blood.  Can't forget the dark eye shadow and eyeliner!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

What is Lolita?

     Lolita is a fashion subculture that began in Japan and has spread worldwide.  This style of clothing tends to focus on doll-like and detailed clothing.  While it has many different styles, such as gothic, sweet, and classic, they all incorporate innocence and modesty to some degree.

     Most of the original silhouettes used a puffy dress or knee-length skirt, but the styles have expanded over the years.  Now, Lolita also includes long skirts, blouses, headdresses, and stockings.

     Lolita focuses on being feminine and remaining modest in modern society.  It is not a way to get the attention of men, but rather to be seen as "cute" instead of "sexy".

     A Lolita, as a person, is anyone who dresses in the style.  They don't have to act a certain way to qualify.  You are following a style, but you should always keep a unique personality.  An important thing to remember is to be confident and happy with what you wear~

Welcome to The Lacy Lolita~


      Hello, Thank you for looking at my new blog, The Lacy Lolita~

A short introduction of this blog:

     I've been interested in Lolita fashion, especially Sweet Lolita, for about four to five years, but I've just recently began dressing this way.  I may not have a ton of experience, but I have quite a bit of knowledge and I'd like to share it with everyone!

     I'll try to post at least once a week, and these posts will include tutorials, coordinated outfits, information on various topics of Lolita, and, with time, my review of different brands.

     I hope that you'll continue to read my posts every so often and feel free to send me a message or email if you ever feel like chatting~ (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧